Workshop dates for 2025.

(scroll down to the bottom of the page to see images of past workshops and projects.)

“Imagination belongs to hope. It’s the creative dance of possibility.” Sharon West

All workshops are Project of your Choice (POYC) unless otherwise stated. Project of Your Choice (POYC) - Got a particular project in mind, or you're a newbie and you're not sure how to get started? Come along, pick my brain and I'll walk you through the various options on offer or guide you step by step through a project of your choice.

Sunday 23rd February - Nuno Workshop. Learn how to fuse wool fibres to certain fabrics during the feltmaking process to create wonderfully textured and patterned hybridised fabrics perfect for wearables, homewares and accessories.

Sunday 2nd March - Feltmaking for Beginners at the North Sydney Community Centre. Intrigued with the technique but not sure how to get started? This is the perfect workshop for you. An introduction to the tools, the techniques and the different varieties of wool and other fibres and an opportunity to design and make your won piece of handmade felt and a small felt pot/vessel. Bookings taken through the centre.

Monday 10th March - POYC. Marrickville Studio. Beginners welcome. FULL

Sunday 23rd March - Felted Pots/Vessels. Learn how to take a 2D shape and transform it into a 3D shape using the ‘Resist’ technique. We’ll look at applying other fibres and smaller resists to make textures and openings in the vessel, and the different types of effects you can achieve using different types of wool. FULL

Saturday 29th March - Nuno Felting - Sydney Community College Rozelle. Bookings through college.

Sunday 6th April - Wool Festival Mittagong RSL. Black and Coloured Sheep Market Day.

Monday 7th April - POYC. Marrickville Studio. Beginners welcome. (2 spots left.)

Sunday 13th April - POYC. Marrickville Studio. Beginners welcome.

Saturday and Sunday 23/24 May - Knitters Picnic, Dungog. Workshop & Market. Bookings and details on website.

Sunday 18th May - POYC. Marrickville Studio. Beginners welcome.

Sunday 1st June - POYC. Marrickville Studio. Beginners welcome.

Come and play for a day in my studio. Spend the day learning the basics, exploring new techniques, and/or working on a project of your choice. All levels of experience from beginners to the more advanced are catered for. 

If you're not sure what you can make, take advantage of the many resources available in my studio: felt books and magazines, samples, see the other participants at work/play or check my instagram account for past participants finished projects. 

My studio is in Marrickville, Sydney. The classes run from 10am - 3pm, with all equipment, most materials, and morning tea provided.

Workshop fee is $180, with a non-refundable deposit of $80 due on enrolment. Fees/deposits can be transferred on request outside of 10 days of workshop date. Due to small class numbers I am unable to hold a place for more than 7 days without a deposit. If I haven't received a deposit or notification from you 7 days after booking, your place will automatically go to the next person on the waiting list.

What’s included in the fee? Most materials and use of equipment, morning tea and hot drinks throughout the day. Lots of 1:1 time with me as our maximum class size is 4, so plenty of time to ask questions and get suggestions and feedback on your project/s. Interaction with other classmates and an opportunity to watch their projects grow and develop. Notes when applicable and time to explore my studio and access to my suppliers list.

To book a workshop, discuss a project, or for further details email me at :

or you can text me on 0404 228 264 and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m able.

I'll send you an information sheet with all the relevant details, including how to pay your deposit and what to bring.

Please come and join the fun and don't be put off if you believe you're “not creative.” Felt-making is a very forgiving and generous medium, no skills required, just a sense of curiosity and a playful attitude. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what you can achieve and discover that you may just have that creative spark after all.... Gillx