Gill Brooks
I have been immersed in the felting world for more than 20 years and continue to find inspiration and expression in this extraordinary medium. Ever enthusiastic about introducing the world to this marvellous textile - I make an evolving array of common everyday, mostly utilitarian pieces which show off the remarkable properties of wool, alongside running workshops in my studio space in Marrickville. Participants are often blown away by the almost alchemical process of felting wool and the remarkable versatility of the medium and can take the skills learned and apply them back to their respective disciplines, particularly in the textile arena.
my story.....
"Mad keen on textiles from an early age I would immerse myself for hours playing on the floor in my bedroom making clothes and accoutrements for my dolls. As a child of the 70's I was exposed to every textile craft imaginable; macrame, weaving, tapestry, rug-making, sewing, knitting, dyeing. Eternally mesmerised by colours and patterns.
The 80's bought full time work, pub bands, boyfriends and bad hairstyles but I still found time to make my own clothes, either by upcycling op-shop finds or making them from scratch.
The 90's bought babies, and I was back to making dolls and dolls clothes. Not happy with all the plastic crap on the market I took a Steiner Doll Making class once a week and discovered the beauty of pure wool felt. Serendipitously, one day I discovered a 'felt-making' workshop being held by a woman called Christine Sloan in her 'Wool Gallery' in an old wooden school house in Gerringong. I hadn't even known there was such a thing as making your own felt??
One day spent immersed in the art of felt-making was enough for me to realise, I had found my thing!!! I was hooked!!! I was home!!''
In the past few years I have been experimenting with the application of other fibres and textiles to the wool surface prior to felting. During the felting process the wool fibres find their way through and around the introduced fibre/textile, and as the wool shrinks, the 2 disparate surfaces fuse together. This creates a unique hybrid textile with a never ending array of different texture, pattern and colour possibilities. Yum!
I love connecting with people out in the community as it gives me a chance to introduce this amazing textile to those unfamiliar with this medium. So you'll often find me at local craft markets, pop ups and other crafting events as well as running workshops in my studio in Marrickville and further afield when invited by regional quilt and/or crafting groups.
My work has been featured in many publications over the years, including Vogue Living, House and Garden, Better Homes and Gardens, Textiles Down Under, Felt Magazine, 500 Felts and 1.000 Textile Artisans.
Twenty years on and I'm still enamoured with handmade felts rugged good looks, brilliant eco-cred and amazing properties .... a lifetime won't be long enough to explore all the endless possibilies.
It truly is a timeless textile, and the ultimate in eco-chic.
“Hi Gill, Just wanted to quickly thank you for Sunday’s workshop. I really enjoyed it. You are an excellent teacher giving just enough guidance to learn the technique but not crowding a student’s own creative urges. So thanks again.”
- Best wishes, Crista